Art Appreciation

This blog replaces the sfhsartapp blog. This blog is an Art Appreciation study guide for both La Delta on campus students and dual enrollment students.

LA Delta Community College dual enrollment course (Text: Prebles' Artforms by Patrick Frank, 10th edition)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Obus by Alexander Calder. 1972. (painted sheet metal) height 142-1/2"


Apollo. 415 B.C. Greek silver coin. diameter 1-1/8" (example of low relief sculpture)


Corporate Wars: Wall of Influence by Robert Longo. 1982. (middle portion, cast aluminum) height 7'
example of high relief sculpture


Ballplayer with Three-Part Yoke & Bird Headress. Maya Late Classic Period. 650-850 B.C. (pottery, polychrome) height 13-1/2"


California Artist by Robert Arneson. 1982. (stoneware with glazes) height 68-1/4"


Self-Portrait by Charles Ray. 1990. (mixed media, including cast polyvinyl resin) height 75"


Awakening Slave by Michaelangelo. 1530-1534. (marble) height 9' (one of four figures, later called Slaves, left unfinished)